Lost? find your way.
About the Retreat
Do you feel like you’re at an impossible place where you might have to choose between we & me?
There are times when the snow globe of our life gets shaken. Sometimes a dramatic event does it. Sometimes we can’t point to any clear definable cause, but everything is upended nonetheless.
When our marriage is part of what’s shaken, it can feel less like gently falling snow and more like a flurry of mud, rocks, and shrapnel swirling around us.
If you’re feeling lost and disoriented in one of these shaken moments in life, I know it can be incredibly painful and frightening, but I want you to know...it’s going to be ok. These moments can also be gifts where painful things not meant for you can fall away, and you can heal and grow.
It can be a time of real awakening.
This Virtual Retreat is like a map, to help you get reoriented. It will give you language, frameworks, and visuals to help you identify: “You Are Here” and show you what healing, flourishing, and restoration look like—like, “Here’s Where You Want To Go.”
No one but you can know what path to take to get from where you are to flourishing. It may involve leaving your marriage; it may look like staying in your marriage. But this guide will show you the difference between trauma and healing and how to follow your inner guidance toward healing.
The best advice I can give you is to try to take some time away, by yourself. Get some distance from the day to day drama, get still and quiet, and open your heart and mind.
What you’ve been doing isn’t working, right? Maybe try something new?
Q: What’s the best way to do this retreat?
Take 3-7 days away by yourself for a personal retreat. Give yourself plenty of time to unwind, rest, get still and quiet, read through the Retreat without hurry, and have plenty of time for reflection.
Q: What if I don’t have a lot of time?
It’s possible to go through the whole retreat in about four hours. Can you spare a half day to give yourself a personal retreat? Or just read snatches at a time? Cause here’s the deal: it’s like the Check Engine light in your car has come on in your marriage. It’s not likely to save you time, money, or head/heartache to just keep driving. I know it can be really hard and even costly to stop and deal with the issues, but generally it’s way more costly to ignore them.
Q: How do I access the Retreat?
When you purchase the Retreat, I’ll send you an email with the password to access Part 1. As long as you have internet or cell phone service you’ll be good to go. You can read the whole retreat online from any computer, iPad, or phone.
Q: What if I don’t want my partner to know I’m considering divorce?
Can you buy the Retreat with a friend or family member’s email and credit card? And maybe even read it at their place? Once you have the password, you can access the Retreat on any device with internet. If you’re concerned your partner may be monitoring your internet usage, read this helpful guide.