Table of Contents
Can you give yourself a time out?
Part 1: How to Wait for the Mud to Settle
Step 1: Getting a Healthy Distance from Your Emotions
Step 2: Becoming a Non-Anxious Presence
Step 3: Naming Your Feelings
Step 4: Honoring Your Emotions
The Gift of Pain
Confusing Feelings
Trauma & Healing
High Sensitivity
Stress, Rest, & PTSD
Breathing & Meditation
Wrapping Up
Part 2 : What Does the Bible Say about Divorce?
The “Conservative” Position
Muddying the Waters: God Hates Divorce?
What Does Jesus Say About Divorce?
What About Paul?
“Marriage is to Make You Holy Not Happy”?
Part 3: Getting unstuck
Heart Rate Variability (HRV)
Rigidity vs. Agility
Mapping Our Emotions
A Story
Co-Regulation, Self-Regulation & Attunement
Neutrality & Willingness
Acceptance, Forgiveness & Reason
Joy & Peace
Integration & Oneness
The Way of Light