Joy & Peace
I’m going to be honest here. Feeling a whole lot of joy and peace might be a pretty far reach for you right now.
That’s ok.
You can take your time getting there.
“You’ve got to go at the rate you can go. You wake up at the rate you wake up. You can’t rip the skin off a snake. The snake must moult the skin. That’s the rate it happens.”
— Ram Dass
Let it take the time it takes.
But don’t believe there’s nothing for you here yet!
Letting yourself dream about what joy and peace might feel and look like can actually be incredibly helpful. Your dreams can guide you on what direction to go and even help you come up with creative ways to get there.
And whenever you get little glimpses and glimmers of this shimmery stuff, feel it as much as you can.
Take the time to savor it as long as you can.
Let it fill you.
Pay attention to what makes you feel that way and why.
Cultivate it.
Let it guide you.