Wrapping Up Part 1

So far, we’ve talked mostly about the pain you’re in. What it is, where it comes from, and a bit about how to endure it.

If we can learn to non-anxiously let our mud settle, we can become observers of our emotions and observe our present situation so much more clearly. 

Do you have the patience to wait
till your mud settles and the water is clear?
Can you remain unmoving
till the right action arises by itself?

(That is, IF you have the ability to safely give yourself time to make this decision. If you don’t, well…that might show you some clarity, too.)

Can you keep still enough on this retreat to let things settle where they will?

Hopefully, Part 1 has helped you feel a bit more calm and start to gain some clarity. 

In the next section of this retreat, we’re going to stir the waters.

So, if you’re not feeling calm right now, you might want to wait to start Part 2. It’s best to go into it with a calm mind.

It might get muddier at first. But we will examine some things worth investigating. And hopefully, by the end, you’ll see more clearly than when we started.


Part 2: What Does the Bible Say About Divorce?